This topographic street plan of Frunze (now Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan) was prepared in six sheets by the Main Administration of Geodesy and Cartography for the General Staff of the Soviet Union. It was published in 1987.
The map is in the Russian language. It is printed in 8 colours, and is extremely detailed, with a contour interval of 2.5 metres. Buildings are classified by their function and material, roads by their width and material, and forests and fields by tree species and leaf type. There is a short text which describes the region, and the city’s infrastructure and places of importance (such as factories, power stations, and hospitals); and a street index.
The map was surveyed between 1960 and 1986, when it records that the city had 620 000 inhabitants. The city presently has over 1 050 000. However, neither the Russian nor Kyrgyz governments have released subsequent maps of equal quality, and these are still the best available to the public.
Frunze 1 Frunze 2 Frunze 3 Frunze 4 Frunze 5 Frunze 6